Friday, November 23, 2012

The Truth Behind Acai Berry Weight Loss Scams

By Dr. Melanie Delcourt

The internet has certainly become a popular source for providing information when it comes to various topics. The limitation of relying on this source is the confusion surrounding the scientifically backed claims and the articles filled with misinformation. Acai berry weight loss scams have resulted in more people falling victim with regards to the efficacy of the product.

The Acai berry looks similar to blueberries and is grown from the Brazilian palm. These berries are highly nutritious in the provision of vitamin, minerals and essential antioxidants, but the biggest question is the role it plays in shedding excess fat. This fruit has been regarded as a great addition to the diet when it comes to nutrients however; purchasing this in a capsule, powder or smoothie for losing weight, may prove ineffective.

There are a large number of people searching for the next magic weight loss remedy and easy to use pill that will transform their lives. Unfortunately this is not the truth and without looking into case studies or research when it comes to these simple weight loss formulas. You need to assume responsibility when it comes to the scientific evidence backing up many of these claims.

Taking a closer look at the product, scientists agree that consuming these berries can provide heath benefits, but it is not effective as an exclusive remedy for shedding pounds. The level of information that is out there with regards to the function of the Acai is largely mistaken. With the large number of people out there waiting to make a quick buck, more people are falling victim to the berry scam.

It is therefore necessary to research the support and evidence behind the presented information. Studies have revealed that the Acai berries show no significant weight loss properties over other so called super fruits. The consumers have been complaining about the fact that these products do not provide the benefits that have been listed.

There are a large number of advertising campaigns having claimed celebrity endorsements, which have also proven false. It is necessary to take the time to research the options available for our needs. This can avoid a waste of time and money.

Consider the fact that products seeming to be too good to be true with a lack of clinical or scientific evidence may prove ineffective. The acai berry weight loss scams have led to many disappointed consumers as a result of poor outcomes. Consider the proven and healthier ways of creating the desired physique.

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Tips to Help You Find the Best Weight Loss Program

By Nona McRitchie

There are many different weight loss programs, and finding the right one can be the difference between failure and success. Any program for losing weight has a diet or an exercise program, or the two of them combined. Plans can be fairly casual, or they can be totally formal, which need to be adhered to strictly. There are ways discussed in this article, that should help you reach your weight loss goals, by showing you ways to find the best program or create one.

If you're going to work with a particular program, you may as well look for one that has a good track record. Aside from this, it has to be one that you will be capable of following so that you can get the desired results.

One of the biggest problems people have nowadays is lack of time. As a result, they may not have time to completely dedicate themselves to a weight loss program, particularly the exercise component of it. When it comes to your diet, you may have to find time to shop and prepare your meals. For this reason, you have to consider how much a particular weight loss program will need from you in terms of time commitment. For instance, if a weight loss program has you working out 9 hours every week and you're only able to squeeze in 2 hours of exercise time tops, your results are going to be very limited. So be realistic when planning your activities and keep your schedule in mind.

For some people, exercise is the weak link in their weight loss program. It is hard to work out regularly, unless you have some kind of motivation. If you fall into this category, one solution is to join a gym and work with a personal trainer. This is something that can be done on a short term basis. Each exercise has a proper form that you need to know, but you can learn that in a couple of sessions. Your home can even be the place you receive the training from your trainer. Once a month, you can have a session with your trainer, to make sure that your exercise program is going the way it is supposed to go. Your diet and exercise program go together to help you reach your goals, and this can all be set up by your trainer.

With the average weight loss program, it's necessary to do a certain amount of calorie counting. There is the alternative of signing up with a program that does all of the calorie counting for you by delivering your meals to your door. With most diets, though, keeping track of calories and nutrients is part of the program. Once you get into the habit, it doesn't have to be that difficult.

If you are going to go on any kind of conventional diet, you will probably have to keep track of the calories you consume each day. One way to avoid this is to choose a program that supplies you with meals every day. With any weight loss program where you're on your own with meals, however, it's up to you to know what you're eating. Don't make this more complicated than it needs to be.

You can use an app for your phone or tablet that helps you keep track of calories. The fact is, whether you're on a specific diet or not, it's a good idea to be aware of what you're eating. This includes how many calories, and the ingredients that are included in the item. The more you know about nutrition, the easier it is to maintain a healthy weight. Practically any program to help you lose weight can better your life by making positive changes that are important. Being able to continue on with a diet or exercise program is the main trouble, not starting the program in the first place. By carefully choosing the right approach from the start, you have a better shot at achieving the long term results you're after. With the information you have from this article, and knowing your lifestyle and needs, choose the right program for helping you lose weight.

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How To Lose Weight The Easy Way

By Jason Truelove

Maintaining commitment to a weight loss strategy is a challenge for many. At the beginning, everything seems so easy to stick to, with both ambition and commitment running high. Then, your motivation takes a hit and you just do not feel like you want to do this anymore and feel like you want to give up. It does not happen to everyone, though. There are some people who are successful at achieving their goals and maintaining their weight loss permanently. How do they manage to accomplish that?

Before you start any weight loss program, determine how many pounds you want to lose. Think about whether you want to lose a few pounds, or whether you want to drop an entire clothing size. It even helps to write down your reasons for wanting to be thinner. Is it because you want more energy, or because you have a specific goal in mind, like dropping a few dress sizes?

It's important to keep track of your progress every week. Keep a regular journal that has records of your weight, preferably measured by the week. Within the journal, create a food log to keep track of all the food you eat each day. Writing down what you put into your body will make you more aware of your choices, inspiring you to make healthier decisions.

If you are too hungry, your ability to make good choices will be reduced and will cause you to eat potentially unhealthy items. You can avoid these complications by planning ahead and bringing those foods with you for your meals. Rather than eat lunch in a restaurant, pack your own. You will save money by bringing your own food, and the food you make will be healthier than what you can get from restaurants and fast food places.

Take a two-pronged approach to weight loss by combining your diet with an exercise regime. You'll be more motivated if you create an exercise plan made up of activities you enjoy. Whether you join a sports team, sign up for some dance lessons, or find ways to work out with friends, it's important to keep your workouts entertaining. Making this work for you requires a bit of creativity, but it's all worth it in the end when you meet your goals.

Have your friends support you in whatever way they are able. You are more likely to stick to your plans when someone else is rooting for you. Accountability is important in any long-term weight loss plan, and when you involve a friend or family member, you are more likely to succeed. When you feel like you are not motivated, call a buddy for support. They'll likely know just what to say to get you back on track.

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Green Tea Weight Loss - The Healthy Alternative

By Jeffrey Singer

Green tea extract weight loss benefits seem to have been a hot topic to talk about among the health specialists. So how does green tea work to assist men and women slim down? What are medical reports to compliment the claim?

There can be various factors for weight gain. But it depends upon two components. First is the consuming fatty food or food which will become fat. Second is the level of burning fat. Tea supports both components.

Green tea extract includes powerful anti-oxidants named catechins. Of the many catechins, epigallocatechin gallate generally known as EGCG assists with fat loss the best. EGCG promotes thermogenesis which is the activity of creating heat in body. This increases rate of metabolism which speeds up the process of burning fat. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, tea accelerates metabolism by 4 percent.

Japanese tea experts had a human experiment to analyze tea weight loss benefits. Thirty eight males participated for the research. 50 percent of the participants received green tea extract as part of daily food intake and the other half received just the daily food. After 12 weeks, participants with green tea extract diet had noticeable reduction in body fat and waistline compared to the group of participants without the tea extract.

Green tea also helps with managing the amount of food consumption. In a lab experiment, tea extract was provided to one group of mice and placebo was given to another group. After a week, the group which received green tea extracts loss appetite and minimized the consumption by 60 percent. Fewer consumption of calories contributed to weight reduction.

As reported by the experts, the lost food craving was a result of the control of blood glucose level. Antioxidants let sugar to go into the blood vessels at a lower pace which helps prevent unexpected spikes in insulin. People having very high blood glucose level will feel hungrier and fatigued. Greater managed sugar delivery assists with avoiding unwanted fat storage and food craving.

Last tips for individuals interested in trying green leaf tea as a weight reduction product is to be sure to consume green tea without additives. Many of the iced tea refreshments available in a grocery store consist of additives that include sugar. This defeats the objective of reducing weight. It is most beneficial to produce your own tea and maybe add pure citrus juice such as lemon juice to improve antioxidants. If preparing tea is too much work then try taking green tea supplements. Many supplements on the market today are sugar-free plus some include vitamins for added health advantages.

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Getting Your Mind-Set Right For Permanent Weight Loss

By Toby Edge

In my previous article I looked at the importance of mind-set for weight loss. We discussed how your current subconscious programming really determines your weight and if you want to lose weight permanently then you need to start working at the source of the problem.

So what exactly can you do about this?

Well, one of the main techniques that I like to use is called 'self-talk'. This is something my clients often use and it can have wonderful results when used properly and consistently. So lets quickly look into how this works.

As I mentioned previously, your programming comes from various sources, one of the most important of which is your own internal dialogue. So when you say to yourself 'I will never lose weight for good' or 'diets simply do not work for me' you are actually programming this into your subconscious and making it a reality. So what self talk will do is help you to change your inner dialogue so that you are creating positive, not negative programming.

The first thing to do is to evaluate what your self talk is like at the moment. The best way of doing this is by spending 3 days carry around a notepad and keeping a log of all of your current self talk about dieting, exercise, and your weight. So, if you heard yourself saying 'this diet is not going to work for me' in your head, you'd note that down. This will help you create a cleaer picture of what your current self talk is like.

After three days you should review what you have written into your log. Ask yourself this - are these the sorts of programs you really want to log into your subconscious. Remember these programs are kind of like orders, so you really want to be sending the right signals, right?

First up, look at all of the negative selk talk phrases you have written down and make them positive. Write down the exact opposite of what you have on the page. So, a phrase like 'I have eating healthily' will become 'I love eating healthily'. If you do that to all of your phrases you'll start to build a better picture of what you should be programming into your subconscious.

Now that you have these positive messages, read them every day. Read them each morning, in from of the mirror, and out loud. If you do this for a few weeks you will start to see some positive changes. When this happens you can start to take things further by editing your internal self talk as you go. This is where long term change will come from.

This is only one technique, but its one of the best I've ever come across. Use it and get that foundation in place for long term weight loss.

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